Two very popular packages are available for clients seeking to further their career success:
1. Coaching for Career Direction
This programme is for those who haven’t found or pursued their ideal career or business yet! (Most clients have no idea where to start at the beginning of this programme.)
The eight sessions would include:
- Introduction to coaching and agreement on goals for the coaching.
- Psychometric profile administered, questionnaire completed and feedback given.
- Increased level of self awareness to establish preferences, strengths, values and aspirations.
- Identifying the reasons for current dissatisfaction.
- Analysis of what is required to satisfy core values.
- Developing options to explore.
- Agreeing strategy and action.
- Interview or business plan skills.
- Ongoing support and motivation throughout the recruitment/launch process.
2. Coaching for Career Development
This programme is for those who may be in a satisfying career but wish to make some changes to the way they work, their results or their career progression.
The eight sessions would include:
- Introduction to coaching and agreement on goals for the coaching.
- Psychometric profile administered, questionnaire completed and feedback given to increase level of self awareness, improve relationships and effectiveness at work.
- Identifying the reasons for current dissatisfaction/change.
- Analysis of what is required to illicit change in each area and what the potential barriers are.
- Possible areas to develop may include:
- Time management or work/life balance.
- Managing your boss, peer relationships and personal influence.
- Developing and managing a team to deliver better results.
- Promotion strategy or first 100 days (how to shine in a new job).
- Ongoing support and motivation throughout the process.
Each Programme commences with a complimentary one hour coaching session to identify the right approach and programme for the client. (There is no obligation to continue.) Once a programme has been agreed, we would arrange a series of eight 90 minute sessions either face to face in South West London or over the telephone (this is remarkably effective for coaching).
Please contact me for prices